What I can do for you
If you need a website and an online presence that truly reflects the essence of you and your business then I can help. Whether you're starting from scratch or updating an exisitng site I can make you look great.
We'll start by meeting either in person or on skype to determine your goals, who your customers are and the aspects of your business we want to highlight and grow.
I can come up with the entire design and concept for your site. I'll do your logos, write the content on your website, create an online marketing and social media strategy for you to implement moving forward, do keyword research to find the best areas of opportunity for you and pretty much anything else you can think of.
I'm not going to promise you the world and I won't tell you what you want to hear just so I can get paid sooner.
In short, I'll do it all.... and if I can't, I'll tell you.
Who should work with me
My favorite clients are the ones who want a website and are perfectly fine letting me take care of everything. I love working with small business owners, artists and enterpreneurs.
If you appreciate honest business relationships and value direct and efficient communication then we can work together. If you want someone to agree with everything you propose and not challenge your ideas then I'm not the right person for the job.
I have strong opinions and out of respect for you and your business I feel it is my responsibilty to share those opinions with you when they can be of benefit to you.
You don't have to agree with me but an open mind and free exchange of ideas is crucial. I had a small online business for eight years and one of the things that frustrated me the most was the so called experts I was paying just doing what I told them without offereing an opinion or suggesting alternatives.
Check out my About page and if you find yourself offended by anything you see or read, you should look for someone else.
What I'll Need From You
First, we're going to need to meet either in person or over skype to determine your goals. At least one face to face meeting is necessary. Email and text are wonderful for certain communication but I will gain better insight into your business and your needs in person. You should have an hour or two for this and ideally it will be over a couple of drinks; it's just more fun this way.
Once we get started you can expect my full attention. When you need something from me you'll get it and I won't keep you waiting. I'm going to need the same from you; if there's something that I need from you in order to advance the project I'm going to want it quickly.
I don't expect you to come to me with a fully fleshed out design and concept for your website. I would actually prefer that you didn't, it's way more fun for me to have creative freedom.
I will need images for the site. If you don't have any that's no problem, I can help you.
As far as the content goes, you can provide me with that or you can give me the basic information and I'll be happy to write it. I'll write it with your brand, goals for the site and local search optimization in mind.